DJ for Northland Ice Center in Evendale, OH. “Club Northland” 8-10pm Every Friday & Saturday Night. Lights, Lasers & Fog!
Information: 513-563-0001
Ice Rental & Parties Booking: 513-563-0008
Cost (13+)= $9.00
Children (12 & Under)=$7.00
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the age range for DJ Northland Skates?
We have all ages show up at DJ Northland Skates from older couples & single skaters to parents with really small children. Largest age range is 13-17. For the little ones, a limited number of skate trainers are avaialbe for kids up to 40 pounds. Please supervise children not able to skate on their own!
What kind of music do you play?
We play most anything requested. From classic 80’s to top 40 and yes, Dubstep!
We use fair judgement in lyrics of songs. We’re not bound by FCC regulations however we use fair judgement and reseach songs we’re not familiar to us. The occasional non-FCC-Compliant word may be heard in select songs so we reccomend parents please use their own discretion when bringing little children to a DJ Skate.
We’re powered by Grooveshark™ so our database can cover almost 98% of all songs in the world.
Theatrical fog, and lighting effects are in use on this property during DJ Skates, if you have health problems that could be affected by strobe lighting, or artificial fog you should not enter the rink area during DJ Skates.
This disclaimer is played at the very beginning of every DJ Skate and offers a full refund to anyone that has a health concern. It is the responsibility of any patron to understand the full risks involved with glucose-based theatrical fog for lighting effects, the risk of a dispersed class 3B Laser and knowledge of any potential health concern regarding the risk of seizure or other health affects from moving lights, lasers and bright strobe lights.
Additional Notes About Public Ice Skating
These terms are in addition to all posted warnings and risks assiciated with ice skating alone. We encourage anyone to bring protective skating gear if you are not an experienced skater! Helmets, gloves. Elbow pads and shin guards are available for purchace at the pro shop.
From the DJs experience as a hockey player. My personal suggestion of focus is head protection (just ask my DJ assistant and check out his scars)! Second focus would be elbows and hands. Don’t hesitate to use the boards for balance!
Technical Specifications
Class 3B Lasers
Lasers in this class may cause damage if the beam enters the eye directly. This generally applies to lasers powered from 5–500 mW. Lasers in this category can cause permanent eye damage with exposures of 1/100th of a second or less depending on the strength of the laser. A diffuse reflection is generally not hazardous but specular reflections can be just as dangerous as direct exposures. Protective eyewear is recommended when direct beam viewing of Class IIIb lasers may occur. Lasers at the high power end of this class may also present a fire hazard and can lightly burn skin. Many laser pointers at this output level are now available in this category. Source: Wikipedia
Theatrical Glycol-Based Fog
Some possible side effects may include:
- Irritation of mucous membranes such as the eyes and the respiratory tract associated with extended peak exposure to theatrical fog.
- Short-term exposure to glycol fog was associated with coughing, dry throat, headaches, dizziness, drowsiness, and tiredness.
- Long-term cumulative exposure to smoke and fog has a potential to create chest tightness and wheezing and / or reduced lung function. Exposure to glycol-based fogs are potentially associated with acute and chronic adverse effects on respiratory health.
Our glycol-based fogs meet or exceed the standards of The Entertainment Services and Technology Association (ESTA) however it is fully the responsibility of guests to determine if this risk is a concern. We do not reccomend children under 16 attend DJ Skates. If you or anyone you see might be experiencing any of the above symptoms, please exit the rink area immediately and inform a staff member.
Strobe Lighting & Moving (Intelligent) Lighting
Stroboscopic (‘strobe’) lighting may cause susceptable viewers to have an epileptic attack or otherwise damage their health. Anyone at risk for this condition should not attend DJ Skates. Our strobe lighting is programmed to only flash at a maximum of 3 cycles in any given second and is not constant. International standards state that frequencies faster than five cycles per second is where a potentially harmful effect is increased.
About Us
Published at the sole effort of Club MYX® USA to provide full detailed information and disclosure to the public about the potential health risks associated with glucose-based fog machines and theatrical lighting. To this day we have never had any concerns about these topics but feel the public should be informed.
We are a contractor for Northland Ice Center and accept zero responsibility for any damaged incurred from events where we are DJing. We do not own the lighting systems and are not required by the venue to provide any form of disclaimer.
You agree to hold harmless Club MYX® or DJ Northland™ (as a subsidiary of Club MYX) for any wrong doing in any event associated with this live production & show.